you don't have to figure it out all by yourself. 
Let's get to the bottom of your stress & overwhelm so you can feel like you again...fulfilled, happy, focused & productive!

let's work together

This is a co-creative experience where Trish meets with you through on-going, weekly sessions so together you can get clear on what needs balancing & what action to take moving forward. 
This work is catered to your needs specifically and supports women to align their core beliefs with their desired lifestyle. 
Together you and Trish will create space to explore what needs attention and shift what needs shifting so you can prioritize Your Sacred Well in all of lifes experiences & interactions and demands. 
Gain Clarity & a Plan that works solely for you.  

Private 1-1 work with Trish involves a complimentary connection call. Please schedule a time that works for you and throughly fill out the application that follows. 

This work is for committed, ambitious women who are looking for a radical shift in thieir current life & wellbeing-
physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually & energetically.
These High-Achieving women & female entrepreneurs have a fundamental understanding of the shifts that occur with deep healing 1-1 work and are yearning for lasting transformation when it comes to creating fulfillment, self-acceptance, mindfulness, physical energy, purpose & meaning and living from a Full Sacred Well. 

private 1-1 transformational work

A new offering is coming soon!
I am in the process of writing new curriculum for all of you!It is comprehensive and in depth and sure to re-connect you to your deepest self. 

Please check back in january 2024.

make sure you are on my email list for the big announcement!

Group coaching

What is RTT ?






RTT session

RTT,   Rapid Transformational Therapy  is an amazing therapy that merges the best of Hypnotherapy, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), Subconscious Reprogramming, & Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to get to the root cause of what has you stuck. It was developed by world-renowned therapist, Marissa Peer, who has fine-tuned the process over her 30+ year career and who trained me in her life-changing modality. 
My interest in subconscious and superconscious programming is at the core of my work as I have not only been the beneficiary of its astounding benefits, but also because of it's ability to pinpoint, reformulate, transform & upgrade the limiting beliefs, habits, & behaviors that are quietly running the show. 

And it works! Quickly too

Unlike other traditional therapies that have you digging and analyzing for an answer and talking out all the reasons why you could be engaged in a pattern that is not benefiting you, RTT deals directly with your subconscious mind, which has immediate access to all of you programming and reasons for programming, and once accessed, can get to the root of your concern immediately. 

Concerns that RTT  can help with:


Learn what's included




Sleep Issues


Feeling Worthy; Feeling "Not Enough"

Health Issues


Memory & Concentration

Mood Swings,
Irritability & Anger

Most concerns can be addressed in one session. Some individuals benefit from 2-3 sessions. Don't see your concern on my list? Please request further information.

Cell Regeneration

Thyroid Challenges

Metabolic Syndrome

Insulin Resistance 

Adrenal Dysregulation

Imposter Syndrome

Weight Issues

Exhaustion & Stress

Loneliness & loss of connection


Rest & Relaxation

Success & Achieving Goals

Emotional Blocks 

Feeling the call for a deeper connection?
If your heart resonates, I invite you to dive even further with me.

Discover Your Sacred Balance

5 steps to a more confident, in-control mindset

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