Enough going thru the Motions...
it's time to root yourself in joy,
align with your deepest desires,
and turn everyday moments into true fulfillment.

It's time to live for You
...And From Your Heart

In a world obsessed with hustle, your soul whispers for stillness. The emails stack up, meals are rushed, and friendships?
Surface level at best, right?
 The chaos drowns out your true essence.

Listen closely—that gentle nudge?
It's your heart beckoning you back to what’s real.
You’re not alone in this yearning for a shift from relentless doing to authentic being.

This is about embracing depth over speed,
fulfillment over checklists.
Let’s redefine what it means to truly live, where serenity and legacy intertwine.

I invite you to slow down, to rediscover the you of now, and to love her fiercely. Find beauty in presence, and create a life rich with purpose and connection.
Your journey to a meaningful life starts here.

Take that brave step.

Let’s leap together.

Isn't it time your peace became a priority?

It wasn't long ago that I had driven myself into the ground.
My body shut down.
My mind was numb. 
My soul was aching.
Debilitating fatigue, weight gain, foggy thinking, depression, anxiety...they ruled my days.
I was lonely, and barely getting by on the inside; on the outside, I kept driving hard. I looked "just fine" .
But deep down, I was falling apart.
I knew I couldn't keep up my pace and honestly, I didn't want too.
I wasn't happy and I really didn't know who I could even share that with. 
After all, good girls keep a smile & don't ruffle feathers, right?
It was like I was living groundhog day everyday and my soul was trying to flag me down...
She knew something had to change. 

I believe, with every cell in my body, that lasting transformation and true wellbeing involves the alchemy of Soul & Science.
I also believe that "high functioning burnout" is wayyyyy to mainstream these days... 

meet Trish

Jodie T.

"I really feel like finding Trish was Divinely orchestrated. When Trish and I began working together, I was lost, stuck and beyond D.O.N.E.
I had all the classic signs of burnout & literally felt so detached from my life. Trish quickly got the to underlying beliefs that were running the show and would often give me 'homework' to practice in between our calls. 
Her expertise in walking you thru the sticky parts is something, to this day, I reflect on...major life transformations that continue to serve me.
I am a better woman, leader and wife because of the time I worked with her. 
If you have given it all away and have none left for yourself, look no further, Trish will help you find yourself and love yourself too!"

Beth S.

"I have been sitting here trying to come up with words to describe what working with you has been like...and I'm at a loss.
In the best possible way!
I had been living my life in numbness. Waking up, not looking forward to anything and just getting thru my day. 
I needed a life revamp, a soul wake-up, and that is what I got!
You are so very tender-hearted, yet boundaried and confident.
You asked deep and hard questions and took me on an inner exploration that I had never been on before, despite being slightly addicted to all the 'self-help' stuff. 
My heartfelt gratitude to you for creating a space where I could find myself. Thank you."

sulinya r.

"I have been very fortunate to have worked with Trish as my healer, coach, and mentor for almost two years.
Trish has the rare ability to channel deep and potent wisdom and integrate it with her holistic knowledge of the human body and mind to help you effectively address your issues at the root. She has helped me to navigate some of my most difficult challenges, from fear, sorrow, stress, and even severe insomnia.
Through her guidance, I have come out of every life challenge with greater wisdom and self-assurance, even in times when I feared I would not. She has helped me to become a more embodied, peaceful, and confident human being, and as a Millennial woman seeking to create a life of meaning and purpose, I have routinely turned to Trish for her guidance on many issues that women of my generation routinely face but are rarely addressed.
I am proud to call Trish my role model.
I see her as the modern-day embodiment of the revered wise female healers from traditions around the world.
If you are committed to transforming your life, you won't find anyone better to help you along your path than Trish Ward."

bethany l. 

"Trish is the real deal. My experience with her was more than remarkable! She is completely down to earth and unapologetically authentic, which is so refreshing in a world of less than bona fide guides. She very competently and kindly leads you in a way that [even if it's not what you want to hear], you feel refreshingly inspired to adjust and overcome & take action. She has an intrinsic inspiration that is so legitimate it knocks you on your seat. I highly recommend her services to my family and friends alike.
If you're fortunate enough to work with her, you'll feel and BE more dazzling because of it."

client love

Feeling the call for a deeper connection?
If your heart resonates, I invite you to dive even further with me.

Discover Your Sacred Balance

5 steps to a more confident, in-control mindset

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